More rules to live by
More rules to live by: following on from my previous post on this subject (you can read it here if you missed it), here's a few more of my favourite sayings, thoughts - or even mantras perhaps, that have always helped to inspire me and keep me going when times have been tough or I've just needed a little more encouragement...
What's for you won't go past you
My Granny always used to say this, and I found it a bit confusing to understand at first, but I suppose somewhere along the line it began to sink in. I guess it's a sort of 'if it's meant to be, it'll be' thinking. I've always liked it though, and for me, it's been something that has helped me to look forward when things haven't gone my way. I suppose it's been an easy way to help me get over the disappointment of things I've wanted but that haven't come to fruition - not getting a job I really wanted for example. It's always much easier to believe that there was a reason that things didn't work out, even though I might not understand or like the reasons why. I guess it's a way I use to help me move forward, rather than dwelling on past disappointments and 'what ifs', and believing that there is something out there that is for me - that won't go past me, is always something to look forward to. :)
Don't let your fears stand in the way of your dreams
This one really struck me when I was a teenager. I found this poster in a shop near my home and loved it straight away.
Photo credit: Pinterest
The poster went straight up on my wall and always reminded me of my eldest brother, who was in the army and always off doing something interesting and adventurous - rock climbing, diving, or on skiing expeditions or something. So because of that alone I loved the poster, but that combined with the words and the image, I spent hours staring at this poster contemplating what it meant, and I think that has really stayed with me. I always loved the idea of doing some of these adventurous things, but looking at that image on the wall I just thought I couldn't - it looked so terrifying! I spent hours thinking about this and the relationship between those thoughts of mine and the words, and I guess eventually it really sunk in that if you have a dream, you just have to go for it - no matter how scary it might seem.
I have to say I have never actually been rock climbing, but I have done plenty of things since that I was terrified to do but went ahead anyway because the thought of the regret of not having done them is always far more terrifying than the thought of actually doing them in the first place...
Never give up, no matter in what circumstances, for perseverance will lead to final success
When I was travelling in China a few years back, I came across a shop selling silk mounted works of traditional calligraphy. They all looked so beautiful although of course I had no idea what they said...
'Never give up, no matter in what kind of circumstances for perseverance will lead to final success'
There was a book you could choose the design and words from and luckily, some of them had the English translation alongside and this is one that really appealed to me: 'never give up no matter in what circumstances, for perseverance will lead to final success'. It wasn't long after the property market had crashed overnight in Dubai and I'd been made redundant for the second time in less than a year, so I was feeling pretty glum about my uncertain future. Memories of a life-threatening medical situation I had faced the previous year were also still fresh in my mind, so on a number of levels, this piece really hit the mark for me. I found the words of the piece that day in China so inspiring that it just had to come home with me. To this day it hangs on a wall in my home and continues to remind and inspire me when I most need it.
What else is there to say about it really? It speaks for itself doesn't it?!
Life's too short
I've heard my parents say this about various things from a young age and again, it has always stuck with me. Life is too short. Not in a negative way, but in a way that means you should seize the moment! I suppose it's something that has gained more meaning for me as I've grown older, and sadly lost friends and family, young and old to sicknesses and diseases, and even as I faced my own serious illness a few years ago, with each event the words have become more profound. So in short, what it means to me is to get up off your bum and do something. Do anything - just stop doing whatever it is that isn't making you happy and start doing whatever it is that does or will make you happy. And I know, it doesn't always happen overnight - sometimes changes can take plans or steps to implement, but you know what - you're never going to get very far if you just keep on thinking about what you'd like to do, at some point you've actually got to make it happen yourself. So why not now? After all, life's too short to wait.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you think! Do any of these resonate with you, or do you have others you'd like to share? Let me know in the comments below!